Considering the emerging quality of being worthy of importance and significance , panchakarma department is well flourished with required staff of professor, assosciate professor and assistant professor, technician and attendant. As per the norms panchakarma department has specified space for sitting of staff, classroom and library. Departmental library is well maintained with classical and modern books. Wall mounted educational tools like charts, flex boards.
To achieve academic excellence among undergraduate and postgraduate students.To generalize panchakarma and to make it affordable to masses. To bring panchakarma in main stream of treatment/chikitsa considering its benefits and long-term effects
1. We are aspiring to bring post-graduation in our department
2. To accentuate the outcome of outdoor and indoor patients.
3. To standardize all procedural methods of all karmas and upkarmas.
4. To standardize all drug and matras in panchakarmas.
5. Well equipped panchakarma theatre with recent advanced all instruments and equipment’s.
6. To encourage research in panchakarma.
7. To develop all standard proformas used in panchakarma procedures
2. To accentuate the outcome of outdoor and indoor patients.
3. To standardize all procedural methods of all karmas and upkarmas.
4. To standardize all drug and matras in panchakarmas.
5. Well equipped panchakarma theatre with recent advanced all instruments and equipment’s.
6. To encourage research in panchakarma.
7. To develop all standard proformas used in panchakarma procedures
1. On every Thursday, case presentation with treatment protocol by final year under graduate students.
2. Academic evaluation of final year students -we take regular sessions, classes, periodic unit tests and vivas.
3. We are contributing view of panchakarma in college academic activities taken weekly regarding cases and projects.
4. Various camps are carried out by department like Rutu-wise and disease-wise shodhana.
5. Authentic demonstration procedures in panchakarma carried out by UG students.
6. Developing all standard proformas used in panchakarma procedures.
7. Critical evaluation of Research paper.
8. Carried out Pachakarma Technician course in year 2021.
9. Number of students completed PG Not applicable
10. Number of Students completed PhD Not applicable
11. Gallery -attached
12. Others if any-No
2. Academic evaluation of final year students -we take regular sessions, classes, periodic unit tests and vivas.
3. We are contributing view of panchakarma in college academic activities taken weekly regarding cases and projects.
4. Various camps are carried out by department like Rutu-wise and disease-wise shodhana.
5. Authentic demonstration procedures in panchakarma carried out by UG students.
6. Developing all standard proformas used in panchakarma procedures.
7. Critical evaluation of Research paper.
8. Carried out Pachakarma Technician course in year 2021.
9. Number of students completed PG Not applicable
10. Number of Students completed PhD Not applicable
11. Gallery -attached
12. Others if any-No