Rachana Sharir Department of Government Ayurved College, Nagpur aims to make clear understanding of areas where Rachana Sharir can contribute in development of different streams of medical sciences. It is established in 4960 sq ft area, out of which the dissection hall is of 1500sq ft. and museum is at 600sq ft. Department has skillful teaching staff and non teaching staff are also best at their work. All work with passion and unity. Various departmental activities like Seminar, Specimen preparation, Samhita Vachan of UG and PG students are carried out. Sufficient cadavers and cadaver storage facilities are available. It has a classy museum consisting of ample specimens and models for teaching the purpose of human anatomy. Thus the department of Rachana Sharir is fulfilled with all necessary facilities which are needed for development of students for future perspective in a competitive world.
Work with excellence and enthusiam
• To impact professional education in Rachana Sharir.
• To study conceptual & fundamental principles of Rachana Sharir.
• To explore human body through surface anatomy skilful and perfect dissection.
• To establish structural parameters of body as per Ayurvedic and modern aspect.
• To promote research activities in teaching, learning and evaluation methods.
• To motivate the process of lifelong active learning and self study through advance and innovative learning aids.
• To study applied anatomy in a way to apply in a daily practice and other subject.
• To study conceptual & fundamental principles of Rachana Sharir.
• To explore human body through surface anatomy skilful and perfect dissection.
• To establish structural parameters of body as per Ayurvedic and modern aspect.
• To promote research activities in teaching, learning and evaluation methods.
• To motivate the process of lifelong active learning and self study through advance and innovative learning aids.
• To study applied anatomy in a way to apply in a daily practice and other subject.
• Weekly PG seminar.
• Weekly samhita vachan.
• Specimen preparation.
• Weekly samhita vachan.
• Specimen preparation.
Total Number till date who has completed PG are- 89
Till date no student done Ph.D